Custom, Clear, for You

You can find crystal clear LightForce braces at Crystal Clear Orthodontics. Dr. Aesha Chaudhry uses these custom, translucent braces to help you enjoy a more comfortable and speedy treatment journey at our Wilmington office. (We also provide same-day ceramic brackets that are not 3D-printed.)

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See-Through & High-Tech

Dr. Aesha Chaudhry uses state-of-the-art LightForce technology to design custom-made ceramic braces just for your mouth. These 3D-printed brackets perfectly match the unique shape and orientation of your teeth.

Custom treatment at Crystal Clear Orthodontics means faster treatment times, and faster treatment times mean fewer office visits for you and your family.

  • Efficient Treatment (thanks to braces designed to match your teeth exactly)
  • Ideal Results (a digital treatment plan and better brackets have you covered)
  • Perfect Fit (thanks to digital scans, you’ll enjoy perfectly-fitting braces)

The Future of Braces

LightForce braces from Crystal Clear Orthodontics custom fit your smile, and that gives you less discomfort, straight teeth, and a quicker time in treatment.

LightForce is the next generation of tooth straightening—it’s more efficient, personalized, and convenient than other treatment braces or clear aligner choices.

LightForce Clear Braces Vs. Metal

LightForce’s see-through ceramic brackets look less prominent when compared to metal braces. Your options for clear braces have never looked more subtle.

Thanks to the smaller parts and the polycrystalline (tooth-colored) brackets, people around Wilmington should have a harder time noticing the brackets in your mouth. Plus, these LightForce clear braces feel more comfortable and work more efficiently at moving your teeth compared to traditional braces.

The nearly-invisible look of LightForce clear braces makes them a terrific choice option for older teens and adult patients at Crystal Clear Orthodontics who want to straighten their teeth without standing out with metal braces.

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LightForce Clear Braces

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Traditional Metal Braces

LightForce brackets

Is LightForce Right for You?

After a thorough, but free orthodontic evaluation with Dr. Aesha Chaudhry, she’ll tell you if this bests suits you and your smile.

Take your first step towards your perfect, new smile with a free consultation at Crystal Clear Orthodontics. Come to our office in Wilmington to learn if LightForce clear braces fit your smile goals and lifestyle.